We are aiming to build an Australian leading unique sealed pump track at City Dirt


Why ?

  • Proven demand by a wide range of user groups

  • New track would further improve participation and activation of the facility.

  • Zero maintenance and the ability to be used in all weather conditions.

    City Dirt’s existing dirt pump track is one of four tracks located at City Dirt. Fundraised and Built by the community in 2019 the pump track has been a huge success increasing visitation through greater access, improving skills progression and by adding value to the overall space. Events such as our Pump track race was a great example of this.

    The success of the track is unfortunately its undoing. As the track surface is dirt and is one of the most heavily used tracks the track requires a large amount of maintenance. This stretches our ability as volunteers to maintain all of City Dirt’s tracks to a high standard and can at times leave the track damaged and a potential hazard to riders.

    It is our position that City Of Adelaide should fund the construction of a replacement pump track with a sealed surface such as this track in Mt Gambier. Sealed pump tracks make a lot of sense. They require little to no maintenance, can be used in almost all-weather conditions and can be used by a wide variety of people and disciplines. For more information on what makes a sealed pump track great see Here