WHY - City Dirt is free to use. We do not charge membership fees and we do not charge participation fees. This includes our annual jam. We also do not receive any funding from local or state governments. This means all the equipment needed to keep the trails going and made better has to either fund raised or donated by people like you.  

 WHERE does your donation go? Most donations go towards replacing tools and equipment. This includes shovels,  picks, rakes, wheelbarrows, hoses and hose attachments, tarps, whipper snipper, lights etc. Other then replacing the equipment the money is spent on track upgrades like buying plants, hiring a excavators and drainage pipes.

RECOGNITION - We respect you and your dontation and we will recognise this accordingly. If you do donate and did want to remain anonymous thats cool just let us know.

These rad people have donated to help keep the dream alive

Paul Abbott

Little Black Bike

Light House Youth Projects